This project has proved different from anything i have done before, it's out of my comfort zone for sure. But upon reflection I think that i have managed well, especially considering that this was not my only project to deal with. Having never worked in this area of illustration I came with a fresh head, which I think is important, so that I don’t end up relying on what I have previously produced.
I have enjoyed myself, but it has proved very tiring producing this genre of work. I have learnt that there is a lot of re-working and time spent detailing if you are to produce a good job.
I think that my outcomes are strong in their field, both as unique images which is what Little White Lies looks for, and as reference to the topic of the film This Is Spinal Tap. The latter because the film is a spoof, and i feel that these images reflect that in their white on black style opposed to a neat, confined black on white which is normal.
Again, I have found it much more efficient to keep account of my work with a blog, it just seems so much more helpful when you know that your outcome has to be digital, it really ties it all together well. However, my Weakness in this project would be not locking down a specific film to work too at the beginning, whereas I, for example, ended up working off topic for a short while at the start, producing ideas for other films, whereas if I hadn’t have done that it may well have freed up some time at the end to show varied and perhaps stronger outcomes of my work.
In terms of the outcome's job as special edition magazine covers, I would say that they are effective in their purpose as they clearly present the topic and deliver it clearly. Creatively I think that they stand out, especially to the Little White Lies audience always on the lookout for that unique cover.
With this work I plan to send it off to Little White Lies even though their brief is no longer live, they have shown interest in my portfolio. (See email attachment in 2nd blog post titled 'Little White Lies').
To take this project further I would look at producing other special edition magazine covers, but perhaps for the music magazine industry, say for Classic Rock magazine, or Q. This way i could tie in both interests of art and music which would keep my interest in the topic of cover art.