Thursday, 29 November 2012

Little White Lies

“Little white Lies is a bi-monthly independent movie magazine that features cutting edge writing, illustration and photography to get under the skin of cinema” 
Little White Lies

The first issue of Little White Lies magazine (LWLies) was published in 2005 by The Church of London, a creative agency who have remained publishing the magazine ever since. 
LWLies review all types of film, from the latest block buster to the low budget independent.

“Because movies don’t exist in a vacuum, we venture beyond the boundaries of the big screen, exploring the worlds of music, art, politics and pop culture to inform and illuminate the medium we love.”

What makes Little White Lies stand out on the shelves is that each issue tends to focus on a certain film that is appearing on the big screen, dedicating the cover of the issue to an illustration of the main character of said film. for example, past issues have been based on critically acclaimed movie such as ‘The Education, ‘Black Swan’ and ‘Drive’. 

Having emailed the art director of LWLies, Victoria Talbot, asking how and what they do to commission an artist for the cover, I received the reply
As each issue of Little White Lies takes its visual aesthetic from its cover film, the cover illustration will be commissioned specifically with the particular film and its surrounding visual landscape in mind. As such, we will approach our preferred artist and set-to on an original piece of artwork, rather than buying in an existing image from their portfolio. This makes them distinctive and exclusive.”

Due to this uniqueness LWLies won ‘Best Designed Consumer Magazine’ of the Year at the ‘Magazine Design & Journalism Awards’ in 2008.

“Bold, beautiful and unique, LWLies is a magazine on a mission – to reshape the debate across the movie landscape.”

The magazine is divided into chapters; the first usually goes in to depth on the featured film of that issue, and from then on in features regular chapters such as the reviews (which keep a constant simplistic style to them). Overall there are six chapters. (The Lead Review, Editorial Introduction, Articles inspired by the Feature Film, Theatrical Reviews, The Back Section and Future Releases.). As the writers go in to depth on the films they look at the context surrounding a film, and the processes in how it’s been created. This is of course catering to a niche audience as the magazine is aimed at people within the film industry; filmmakers, journalists & film fanatics, unlike the more mainstream film magazines such as Emipre or Total Film simply focus on the mainstream cinema and supply the reader with a brief overview which is geared to everyone.

Little White Lies is sold throughout the UK in through WHSmith and HMV, along with most of the UK independent cinemas.

I have emailed the Art Director at Little White Lies to see if she could help me in my research into collaborators and what to do when moving from student to practitioner:

On 27 November 2012 14:44, Nathan Jeffries <> wrote:
Good Afternoon Victoria at Little White Lies,

I emailed a little while ago regarding the out of date brief that i found through YCN for LWLies, and I'm currently looking into researching into collaborators and clients and how people would go about working with me or seeing my portfolio as an illustrator and no longer a student. For example i am researching how you guys at LWLies would go about telling me how you think a certain piece of my work would suit your Magazine covers and from then how i'd submit it to you, or arrange an appointment or pitch a new concept idea to you. I'd also like to know about the money side of things too in terms of artwork if thats no trouble. 

I hope you can help me in my transition from student to practitioner in as many ways possible.

Hope to hear from you,


Nathan Jeffries.

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for your email. I'm happy to run through a brief outline of how things work with commissioning artwork for Little White Lies.

As each issue of Little White Lies takes its visual aesthetic from its cover film, the cover illustration will be commissioned specifically with the particular film and its surrounding visual landscape in mind. As such, we will approach our preferred artist and set-to on an original piece of artwork, rather than buying in an existing image from their portfolio.

Needless to say, we're always on the lookout for new creative talent, so we're more than happy to be introduced to new artists – please feel free to send a link to your portfolio website or a concise PDF portfolio to me directly, and we will keep your details on file, and will be in touch should a suitable project opportunity come up in the future.

Finally, as far as money goes, we don't use blanket commissioning rates, so I'm afraid I couldn't comment generally.

I hope that helps. Best of luck with the start of your career!


Victoria Talbot
Art Director
+44 (0) 771 9372248
The Church of London
71a Leonard St, EC2A 4QS
+44 (0) 207 7297694
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